Spiritual Direction, with Connie Willems
What Is Spiritual Direction?
When you meet with a spiritual director, life slows down a bit and you have space—space to pay attention to what is happening under the surface and where God is in it.
For a spiritual direction meeting, you bring in something from your life that you’d like to process with someone else and with God. This might be anything: a question about yourself or about God, a situation you’re wrestling with, something that needs to celebrated, an activity or project you’re doing, a decision you face. Any topic is fair game because God is interested in and present for every detail of life, large or small.
As we talk, I’ll listen intently to you and to the Holy Spirit, ask thoughtful questions, reflect back what I’m hearing or themes I’m noticing, and give ways for you to hear God and recognize what He is up to with you. Our assumption will be that God is concerned with what concerns you, that He is taking you somewhere, that He loves and likes you, and that He freely communicates with you.
I find that the following description of spiritual direction resonates deeply with how I aim to live and therefore with what we do as we meet together:
Spiritual direction is “help given by one believer to another that enables the latter to pay attention to God’s personal communication to him or her, to respond to this personally communicating God, to grow in intimacy with this God, and to live out the consequences of that relationship”
—William A. Barry and William J. Connolly, The Practice of Spiritual Direction
Meeting Details
Meeting rates are from $55-85; you’ll choose what you to pay (honestly—that choice is yours to make freely).
We’ll meet in person at All Saints Community Church, or via Zoom if you’re not in Oklahoma City.
To schedule a free consultation or a spiritual direction session, use this link: one-to-one meeting. If you’d like to ask a question,use the form below to contact me.
Themes I bring to the table
Each spiritual director inevitably brings who they are to the mix. If you’d like to know more of where I’m coming from, here are some themes that are important to me:
Life with God as Father and Friend. God has drawn me into doing all of life in conversation and relationship with Him. His goodness and presence shapes everything.
Scripture. We can’t know and live with God without knowing His Word, encountering Him in it, and caring about what He has to say.
Kingdom life. The age to come—God’s kingdom—has broken into our dark world through Jesus’ incarnation, death, resurrection, and pouring out of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, life looks different here, even though we aren’t yet experiencing the fullness of God’s kingdom. We can expect God’s voice, activity, and empowering.
Coaching and inner healing. I am a certified life coach and have been trained in inner healing. At times, I’ll draw on coaching or inner healing in a spiritual direction time.
Desert wisdom. The ancient desert fathers and mothers are becoming my mentors and friends; their practices and examples are increasingly shaping my interior life.
For more information, fill out the form below.