We are a community of worship and formation on mission with Jesus
All Saints is affiliated with the community of the Vineyard movement, a global association of 2,500 churches around the world, including 500 churches in the United States. For more information, visit Vineyard USA or Vineyard Global.
A Community…
Our people are at the center of our ministry. We love to gather together and to minister together.
Most of our groups meet in the Spring and Fall, and we sponsor a few events throughout the year. Find a group you can join! Or see what’s happening and sign up for events.
On Sundays, our children hear God-centered content that points to Jesus and connects them to God through spiritual disciplines. We are leading them to lead! Learn more here.
Youth (6th - 12 grade) and Young Adults (18-25 year olds) meet weekly for community, formation, and worship.
Sign up at the bottom of the page to receive our weekly emails and updates.
…of Worship & Formation
We make space to encounter God’s presence together, and we pursue a life of friendship with God through spiritual practices.
We meet Sundays from 10:30a-12:00p at 11400 N. Portland Ave in Oklahoma City.
On Sundays, you can expect to see and participate in what we value as a community: expressive worship, teaching from the Scriptures, prayers and creeds, celebration of the Lord's Supper, the practice of spiritual gifts, and prayer ministry to one another.
We make space to encounter God's active presence together. "In the Vineyard, the music facilitates the real point of why we've gathered — to meet face-to-face with the God of the Scriptures." (The Vineyard DNA: What is Worship?) As we sense the Holy Spirit moving, we may pause for a time of prayer, respond to a prophetic word given from the front, or sing a new spontaneous song. As you look around the room, you’ll see people raising their hands, kneeling, dancing, waving flags, or sitting and resting in God’s presence.
We are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit as we live according to the Scriptures. Each week, you’ll hear our preaching team sharing a message that is rooted in Scripture and applied to everyday life. Learn more about our beliefs and core practices, along with opportunities for emotional and inner-transformation.

We are equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be on mission with Jesus wherever we go.
. . . On Mission with Jesus
In 2020, the Milner family moved to plant a Vineyard church on the island of Guam.
ASCC Missions supports local partners in Oklahoma City and nearby communities, as well as global partners around the world.
Many of our ASCC groups are focused on serving the needs in our community. Check out the opportunities here.