All Saints Kids
Our Sunday gatherings invite your children to hear God-centered content that points to Jesus and connects them to God through spiritual disciplines. We are leading them to lead!

Sunday Mornings
Our Nursery children (infants-3 years) learn from the Bible and are prayed for weekly. SPARK (Pre-K), FLAME (Kindergarten), LIGHT (Grade 1), QUEST (Grades 2-3), and CORE (Grades 4-5) engage in a curriculum developed by our ASCCKids Pastor and wonderful teaching team!
We also have a Comfort Room available during the service for mothers and infants.
Sunday Schedules
On 1st-3rd Sundays, QUEST (Grades 2-3) and CORE (Grades 4-5) will join us in the service and be dismissed to their classes after worship.
On 4th Sundays, QUEST (Grades 2-3) and CORE (Grades 4-5) will join us in the service and QUEST will be dismissed to their classes after worship. CORE will remain in the service.
On 5th Sundays, we have All Family Service. This means that all of our children join us for the entire service. We gladly welcome all the wiggles and sounds of our kids! Our All Saints Kids wing will be open for Nursery children (0-24 months) on 5th Sundays.
Spiritual Disciplines
Click on each spiritual discipline to find instructions on how to engage in the ISLA with your children. For an ISLA example video, click here.
Thanksgiving | Intercession | Words of Encouragement | Praying Scripture | Repentance | Casting Cares on the Lord | Ministry to One Another | Forgiveness
Our Events
CORE (4-5th grade)
During the school year, every Second Wednesday of the month, 6:15-8:00pmThe vision for CORE is the building up of friendships and faith for the 4th and 5th grade student along with fun, snacks, and games!
Location: ASCCKid’s Wing Room C11 -
Child Dedication
During our worship service, we offer an opportunity for your children, from newborns to school-age kids, to be dedicated to the Lord. All of us who know Christ share the desire that our children will one day realize His amazing love and give themselves to Him. Child Dedication is a time for us to come together and commit to praying for these children and encouraging them in their journey with the Lord.
All Saints Kids Moving Up Sunday
Every summer, your kiddos move up into their new classes! When you check them in on that Sunday morning, please choose the appropriate room for them based on their age that day (0-5 year olds) or the grade they'll be entering in the fall (1st-5th grade). Our team will be ready to help you with any questions as we welcome kiddos into their new rooms!
CORE Climb
Every summer, we go to Jacob's Ladder Retreat Center to enjoy their ropes course, rock wall, and eat a pizza dinner together. All incoming 4th graders through 8th graders are invited as we'll be welcoming the new 4th graders into CORE and launching the new 6th graders into the care of the middle school youth group. This is a sweet time for all the kiddos to connect!
Serving in All Saints Kids
Our Spiritual Formation Team Members are responsible for presenting God-centered curriculum on Sunday mornings. We want the kids to connect with the Lord every time we are together, and we do that by teaching and practicing spiritual disciplines. These disciplines include prayer, thanksgiving, repentance, casting cares on the Lord, worship, service, listening, and intercession. We are leading them to lead! An environment of confidence is created where children feel a part of a team, open and close us in prayer, pray for each other, and share insights.
We could not administer this vision without our volunteer Spiritual Formation Team members. If you feel called to join in, please email us.
Scripture Memory Project
Our All Saints Kids team has compiled a packet of 55 foundational scriptures for you and your kiddos to use as a resource to grow in the practice of hiding God’s Word in your hearts. Along with that, each verse has a beautiful graphic (created by Jennifer Nunes) and has been put to song (written by our ASCC worship leaders). Our hope is that children and adults will use this resource to grow in the practice of hiding God’s Word in their hearts.
All Saints Kids Ministry Team
Esther Kerr, All Saints Kids Pastor
Kaysha Fritch, All Saints Kids Director
Jen Vitale, All Saints Kids Administrative Assistant
Lisa Walker, Quest Coordinator
Megan Suarez, Preschool Coordinator
Michelle Calvo, Nursery Coordinator
Mikki Oraene, Welcome Coordinator
Lindsay & Russell Carby, Coordinators of CORE