The Lord equips us for mission and ministry, so that we can help equip others (Eph. 4:12). The aim of the following model is to help someone learn how to pray for others. It is not a rigid formula but a helpful tool. This model can be used when praying for people inside or outside the church.
As followers of Jesus, we pray confidently, knowing that our prayers are powerful and effective (Js. 5:16b) as we pray for the manifestation of the Father’s kingdom and will (Mt. 6:10; 1 Jn. 5:14-15). Jesus has empowered us to be his witnesses (Acts 1:8), to proclaim the kingdom of God, to heal the sick, and to cast out demons (Lk. 9:1-2). As the Father sent Jesus, Jesus now sends us in the power of the Spirit to do his works (Jn. 20:21-22). We follow the example of Jesus: to do what we see the Father doing (Jn. 5:19).
Step 1: Interview
Introduce yourself and ask: How can I pray for you? How can Jesus help you? (Mt. 20:32; Lk. 18:38.)
Pray inwardly while listening to the person: Ask Jesus for his heart, mind (discernment), and power.
What do you see/sense in the natural realm?
What do you see/sense in the supernatural realm?
Step 2: Diagnosis or Discernment
Why is this person in this condition? What is the cause?
Keep praying inwardly, asking Jesus for insight.
What are the natural, physical causes?
What might be the emotional, spiritual, or supernatural causes?
Step 3: Prayer Selection
How should I pray? What kind of prayer is needed? (Mk. 7:32-35; 9:14-29; 16:18; Acts 28:8)
Ask: Is it okay if I put my hand on you?
Ask the Holy Spirit to come and minister to the person.
Discern how to pray: petition, speak to the pain or situation, rebuke the enemy, speak in faith.
Step 4: Prayer Engagement
What is happening? How are things going? (Mk. 8:22-25; Lk. 8:43-48; Acts 2:1-4, 15)
Observe the person: Keep your eyes and ears open.
Ask them questions: Do you sense, feel, or see anything (in your mind) happening?
Continue to listen to the Holy Spirit—discern whether to keep praying or wrap up.
Step 5: Follow Up
How do we finish this? (Jn. 8:11; Mk. 3:14-15; Acts 2:42; Heb. 10:24-25)
Observe and ask the Lord if he is done ministering.
Encourage the person: Thank you for sharing openly . . . Continue to pray and walk this out with Jesus.
Help them connect with a Group, friend, mentor, inner healing ministry, etc.